Episode 2: The Art of Surrender: A Journey Through Grief
Updated: Apr 10, 2024
On the latest empowering episode of Resilient Compass, we explore the deeply personal and profoundly important topic of grief through host Dani Frank's courageous story.
Listen to the Episode: You can listen to the full episode on Apple Podcast, Spotify, or directly on our solejourneywellnes.com.
Episode Highlights
The Purpose Behind a "Grief Week": Learn why Dani sets aside time each year to honor losses and embrace grief's teachings. She blocks off a "Grief Week" annually to commemorate the passing of her father and a beloved pet. This time allows her to slow down, be extra kind to herself, and inform loved ones she may be less available.
Surrendering to the Grief Process: Discover how Dani handles the emotional waves during her annual Grief Week. She realizes fighting grief only deepens the pain. By acknowledging her feelings, she can move through the grief process. This year, Dani reached a new level of observing her grief rather than being engulfed by it.
The Journey Ahead: Building Grief Literacy: Hear about Dani's webinar series to help people develop self-compassion and resilience when grieving. Many lack the awareness and skills to healthily navigate loss. Dani's "Journey to Resilience" webinars teach techniques like yoga to release grief's hold and uncover inner peace during hardship.
A Grounding Yoga Nidra Practice @ 10:17: Experience a soothing 35-minute meditation to find steadiness amidst grief. Dani guides us through breathwork, body scanning, and visualization to tap into stillness and balance.
Join the Journey
If you or someone you know is grieving, this episode provides insights on embracing grief's teachings with radical self-compassion.
We highly encourage you to join the powerful "Journey to Resilience" webinar series. This free 5-part program teaches techniques to release grief's hold through yoga, meditation, and mindfulness.
Sign up for the first webinar now by visiting the event page to reserve your spot in this transformative and healing journey. Together we can build our capacity to mindfully navigate loss with gentleness, wisdom and resilience.
Continue the journey of empowerment with us by listening on Apple Podcast, Spotify, or visit our solejourneywellness.com to explore the episode.
Thank you for joining us on Resilient Compass. May we meet hardship with compassion and emerge stronger.