Empowering Accessible Wellness
Embracing Satya, the Yogic principle of truthfulness, Sole Journey Wellness honors a tradition of honesty and accessibility. Our sliding-scale payment model reflects a collective movement toward economic justice inspired by the work of countless pioneers in this space. We stand committed to inclusivity and empowerment, making sure our life-enhancing services are accessible to every individual seeking growth.
Choose Your Tier
Please review this comprehensive visual guide, created by Worts & Cunning, and reflect on your financial standing. With no proof of income needed, select the tier that resonates with your current situation. This practice of integrity and self-awareness is deeply rooted in the Yogic path.
Full Investment
100% of the service fee supports Sole Journey Wellness in sustaining full accessibility and excellence.
Subsidized Rate
For those managing the essentials but with limited resources for growth, this tier offers our services at 75% of the standard fee.
Community Rate
At 50% the standard fee, this tier is designed for community members who benefit from shared support and reduced rates.
100% Sponsored
Scholarships provide fully covered access to our services, ensuring that financial barriers do not impede anyone from seeking growth and healing.
How to Select Your Tier
Assess your circumstances against the tier descriptions in The Green Bottle Graphic above. We trust your integrity in choosing a tier that reflects your honest financial standing. If you’re unsure, we’re here to guide you through the decision with empathy and respect. We operate on an honor-based system, relying on your truthfulness. This mutual trust is the cornerstone of our community, honoring the yoga principle of Asteya, non-stealing, and ensuring fairness and respect for all.
Make the Connection
Assess your circumstances against the tier descriptions in The Green Bottle graphic above. We trust your integrity in choosing a tier that reflects your honest financial standing. If you’re unsure, we’re here to guide you through the decision with empathy and respect. We operate on an honor-based system, relying on your truthfulness and respecting your confidentiality. Your financial standing remains private and respected within our community. This discreet honoring of your journey creates a space where vulnerability transforms into strength, all while ensuring mutual respect. This mutual trust is the cornerstone of our community, honoring the yoga principle of Asteya, non-stealing, by fostering fairness and respect for all.